Your ready-made Personal Development & PSHE Display
Free Personal Development & PSHE Display for your school
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As teachers, getting our head around the recent changes to the PSHE curriculum, and the development on Personal Development, has been a bit of a task. Curriculum changes, job title alterations and deep dives into what Personal Development is, and what we now need to do as educators.
Wherever you are in that process, we have the display pack for you. With three display headings to choose from (PSHE, PSHCE or Personal Development), this display pack showcases the different areas that you will no-doubtedly be teaching to your students across the year:
The pack includes a set of posters which outline the following 9 areas of Personal Development in schools, along with their definitions:
Lastly, the pack contains 24 questions relating to all of the above areas of Personal Development. These can be displayed to spark ideas and conversations amongst students, or could even be used to create an interactive display whereby students write their answers on a whiteboard, or try to match the question with its relevant topic & definition.