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Should UK Parliament move around the country?

15th - 22nd November 2024

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5-11 votes


11-16+ votes

One of our main aims at VotesforSchools is to empower young people to have their say on the topics that affect them. We also think it’s important that their voices are listened to, particularly by those with the power to make changes. That’s why, for this VoteTopic we asked them to consider how beneficial it would be if Parliament moved around the country to help keep communities engaged and heard on the things that matter to them.

Primary 7-11, Secondary, College & 18+ students discussed, “Should UK Parliament move around the country?”, whilst Primary 5-7-year olds voted on the question, “Should we all learn more about the UK?”

59,223 young people voted on this topic.

Age 5-11 voter

The UK parliament should move round the country so that everyone feels like where they live is as appreciated and not just London.

Age 11-16 voter

We should focus more on policies than moving around, people want to see the change not politicians.

Age 16+ voter

No because it would be too costly without bring a lot of positives.

Thank you to Nikita Atwal, UK Parliament and Mariam Dawood, Our Generation. Our Vote. for responding to young people's voices on this VoteTopic.

"The result of this vote is really interesting. It’s great to see that young people would like to learn more and have strong views on whether the UK Parliament should move around the country, and it’s fantastic that these topics are being discussed in your classrooms! At Our Generation. Our Vote. we believe that young people’s views should be heard by politicians. That’s why we ran an education programme in the lead up to the 2024 General Election, with Votes for Schools and lots of other organisations. Please keep voting!"

Mariam, Our Generation. Our Vote. coalition member from Save the Children

52% of 7-11-year olds said that we shouldn't move Parliament around the UK.

  • Voters aged 5-7 voted 'Yes' in the majority to the question, “Should we all learn more about the UK?”
  • Meanwhile, 7-11-year olds were discussing the question, “Should UK Parliament move around the country?”
  • The result was close to split, however the majority said 'No'. Many said they had environmental concerns as it would require lots of travelling.
72% of Secondary students agreed, with many saying it would be too costly.

  • Secondary students considered the same question as 7-11-year olds: "Should UK Parliament move around the country?"
  • There was a decisive 72% 'No' vote, with many arguing that the benefits wouldn't justify the costs.
  • Most students thought that the location didn't matter, as long as all constituents felt listened to and considered.
Environmental concerns were another big theme, with many 7-16+ year olds questioning consequences.

  • College and 18+ voters were considering the same question, with 75% arguing that Parliament shouldn't move around.
  • Whilst environmental concerns were a common theme, other voters said that MPs shouldn't have to relocate so regularly
  • Some students thought London made the most sense as a home for Parliament, for matters of tourism, security and convenience.