Total votes
5-11 votes
11-16+ votes
For this VoteTopic, we wanted to give voters the opportunity to reflect on what is most important to them and what they would like to see from their new Government.
Secondary, 16+ & College voters were asked: “Did the election campaign cover the most important issues?”, while Primary 7-11 voters discussed: “Did the election campaign cover issues that are important to you?”, and 5-7 voters considered: “Do you know how to win or lose well?”
25,909 young people in the UK have taken part in this vote.
Some children in our class felt that the election campaign could have been more aimed at children to help us understand the issues and what the politicians believe.
The most important issue worldwide is the climate crisis, and we would be persuaded to vote for parties with strong policies on this.
Our highest ranked issues were healthcare, environment, crime, and the cost of living; some of which were covered in the election. But several other issues were important to us, and these were not mentioned at all.
Thank you to Harriet, Our Generation. Our Vote. for responding to young people's voices on this VoteTopic.