Total votes
5-11 votes
11-16+ votes
To mark Pride Month, we wanted to ensure voters were able to share their experiences of what it means to be LGBTQ+ today, so that they can help drive forward solutions to the problems the community still faces.
Secondary, 16+ & College voters were asked: “Have you heard your peers use homophobic language?”, while Primary 9-11 voters discussed: “Have you heard people being homophobic?”, and Primary 5-9 voters considered: “Have you heard people using unkind names?”
31,875 young people in the UK have taken part in this vote.
I think people are more aware now so they don't really say horrible things.
Many said they had heard it being used but not directly used to insult a member of the LGBTQ+ community - almost not realising what is being said.
Football for men has had lots of abuse.
Thank you to Just Like Us for responding to young people's voices on this VoteTopic!
"It's incredibly concerning to see that so many children and young people are still hearing acutely high levels of homophobic language in their everyday lives. This will be having an enormously detrimental impact on LGBT+ young people or those with LGBT+ family members, and also creates a negative atmosphere for everyone in school. We really urge teachers to read this research and get in touch with Just Like Us, so we can help you on that journey to making your school environment one that is free from homophobic language."
Amy Ashenden, Director of Comms & Engagement at Just Like Us