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Do we understand the difference between appropriation and appreciation?

27th September - 04th October 2024

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5-11 votes


11-16+ votes

1st October marks the beginning of Black History Month, an important celebration in the VotesforSchools calendar. This week's topic takes a closer look at how we appreciate the UK's rich history of Black individuals and communities, and how this can help support this year's theme of "Reclaiming Narratives." The 11+ lessons explored the terms ‘appropriation’ and ‘appreciation’ and students were asked to consider where a range of scenarios fell between the two terms. They also discussed how the line between the two has changed over time.

Secondary, 16+ & College voters were asked: “Do we understand the difference between appropriation and appreciation?”, while Primary 7-11 voters discussed: “Do we know how to appreciate other people's heritage?”, and Primary 5-7 voters considered: “Can you learn from other people's life stories?”

63,432 young people in the UK have taken part in this vote.

Age 5-11 voter

I enjoy learning about my own heritage and other people's heritage and cultures. Our school and community is so diverse and interesting and all our cultures should be celebrated.

Age 11-16 voter

We understand the difference between the terms but when it comes to applying it to a scenario the line is blurred and difficult to make account of which is which.

Age 16+ voter

Appreciation is a positive way to understand [...] other cultures. Appropriation is selfish and uses others cultures as a way to benefit themselves and [they] have no [desire] to really or truly understand other cultures.

82% of 7-11-year olds were confident that they know how to appreciate other people's heritage.

  • 87% of 5-7-year olds voted 'Yes' to the question, "Can you learn from other people's life stories?"
  • Similarly, 82% of 7-11-year olds voted 'Yes' to the question, "Do we know how to appreciate other people's heritage?"
69% of Secondary students said 'Yes' to the question, "Do we understand the difference between appropriation and appreciation?"

  • Secondary, 16+ and College voters were all discussing the question, "Do we understand the difference between appropriation and appreciation?"
  • The majority of Secondary voters voted 'Yes', at 69%, meaning close to 1/3 voted 'No'.
80% of College and older students voted 'Yes' to the same question.

  • College and older students had a greater majority, with 4 out of 5 students voting that 'Yes', we do understand the difference between appropriation and appreciation.
Many said they could confidently define the two terms but struggled to label specific scenarios as it depended on context and how things change over time.

  • Most young people felt confident defining the terms 'appropriation' and 'appreciation' but had a more difficult time applying them to the examples in the lessons.
  • Many explained that our understanding has changed over time and is likely to keep changing. They added that defining a situation depends on the context and intent.