Total votes
5-11 votes
11-16+ votes
Ever wanted to sing in the theatre? Even if you’re not on the stage? Might seem like a thing to do. But it’s definitely not ok! There have been reports of shows being stopped midway through as the audience wouldn’t stop singing along.
Of course, etiquette at live shows goes beyond the theatre. Gigs have also been interrupted in different ways. Ashes to thrown onto stage, mobile phones hitting singers, even Harry Styles wasn’t immune to this kind of behaviour.
For this VoteTopic, voters put audience etiquette in the spotlight. They reflected on the way people behave at live shows, and considered the impact that rules could have on others in the audience and the performers themselves.
Primary 7-11, Secondary, 16+ & College voters were asked: “Should there be more rules at live shows?”, while Primary 5-7 voters discussed: “Should we join in with live shows?”
“I think there should be more rules because if people are being irresponsible and throw things, people would get really hurt.”
“There are enough rules, even with additional rules people are not going to listen.”
“If there were more rules, live events would be more boring.”
Thank you so much to Dr Lucy Bennett, Lecturer at the School of Journalism, Media and Culture at Cardiff University for commenting on what the children said about this topic.
Dr Lucy's research focuses on popular music and music fandoms. She has been featured on the BBC and international media talking about live events and crowd behaviour.