Total votes
5-11 votes
11-16+ votes
Ahead of the UEFA Euros 2024, young people had their say on football fans and their role in the clubs they support.
Secondary, 16+ & College voters were asked: “Should UK football clubs be fan-owned?”, while Primary 7-11 voters discussed: “Would it be better if fans owned UK football clubs?” and Primary 5-7 voters considered: “Are fans an important part of a team?”
47,303 young people in the UK have taken part in this vote.
No, it will not be better if fans owned UK football clubs as the players will not know who to listen to and how will the clubs pay for the players.
I think we should because we should be allowed to have a chance and fans know what the game is about and don't want it to change. It would also be lots of fun and get more people involved in the game.
We think that, even if they are privately owned, clubs should be run for the fans and by someone who cares about the club and wants to make the club better, not just to make money.